Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bengal at her Best

Bengal's been with us for about 10 days and is doing really well. She's so young, she's had lots to learn. She crating with only a minimum of protest and walking on lead beautifully. She does have a deep and abiding desire to be on the furniture, so we're working with her on that.

The other day, she was outside and I was in the shower when the door bell rang. I went to the front door and no one was there. Then I went to the back and Bengal was standing there looking at me as if to say, "What took you so long?" In her exuberance to get in, I guess she hit the backdoor bell.

She's very interested in the TV, especially when Animal Planet is on.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bengal and Buddy

Bengal helps Buddy (one of the house hounds) celebrate his seventh birthday by chewing bones together. Bengal decided to stick out her tongue for the picture. Isn't that just like a nineteen month old little girl? Too cute!!!

Bengal and the Stairs

Bengal taught herself the ups and downs of stairs. Check out her agility in the pictures.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Welcome to Nashville!

This is only Day Number 3 in a Nashville foster home for this nineteen month old greyhound. Last night she slept soundly in her crate from 9:00 until 5:00. This is quite an accomplishment for a youngster that could still be with her siblings on a farm or other greyhounds at the track. Bengal has discovered that retirement is full of surprises, however. She loves her own reflection! We have found her looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. She also likes to stare at herself in the twelve wine glasses hanging upside down in the mirrored cabinet in the den. Bengal can stand there and admire herself for quite a while. Her dark brindle stripes are very symmetrical. I'm sure that she has noticed. Do you think that she wants to be called Narcissus?